Sunday, July 08, 2007

I received the gift of tongues yesterday! (:

Okay, at first worship was really great, you can feel God's presence so strongly and I kept smiling like the joy contained in me keeps overflowing. We had altar call, so I just went. I dont really know what led me to going for altar calls so frequently nowadays. I guess it was the passion to encounter God once again. And SP's wife prayed for me. I dont mean that you need her for prayers to work.. but well, it was just cool. (: She gives me a granny-warmth kinda feeling. Then youth pastor asked us who wants to ask for gift of tongues so Sophia and I went. Thank God man, Im so glad that I went str there and didnt doubt. (:
It's the time of His divine visitation! We need greater revival, greater closeness to God.

You're in my heart, teach me how to speak.


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