Friday, August 28, 2009

This morning, I woke up feeling a little uneasy within. And this is what spoke to me as I read my devotional material..

"Even when imaginary fears slip in like the morning frost to blight our faith, He's there- in charge...."

It's so interesting- how God speaks to us. Just simple sentences that tap on the doors of our hearts and we know that it's Him.
The previous day when I was studying for GP, I was asking God some funny questions and I just felt like I didn't really like what I was reading because everything seems debatable. And the back cover of my devotional material wrote, "God's wisdom equips us to handle life as it really is."
As it really is. God doesn't do pretense. That's not how we solve things. Bury it in a ground and act like it isn't there. Go to sleep and hopefully the night will change to day. But just to simply commit it into His hands. As I begin to study.. It's like tougher in a sense that there's higher requirements, but it's different. I feel like I'm studying and walking with Him, though not simultaneously as yet. Will there be a time when in everything that I do, fellowship with Him will be so so natural? I wonder.

The bridge from a song which I just got to hear: 'Desert Song'
All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship


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