Friday, February 12, 2010

I had quite a fulfilling week though the week has not yet come to an end.

Meeting up with Rach and Sammie just for sesame chicken lunch, sharing or simply pouring out all that I can that will be helpful for their mission trip. I'm just so excited and my dear girls, I will be praying for you! May God enable you to do greater things and be blessed in this trip! (=

And also meeting up with my dear 4E2 girls. I seriously miss you girls alot and super enjoyed catching up with you girls, though quite briefly. So interesting to see you girls having a taste of corporate world, which gives me a little headache as to where to go. Hahaha. But it's a good headache.

We had mission trip debrief today. Uncle Daniel gave us an 'appraisal'. Felt quite encouraged. I'm really thankful to God because He has put in me this desire for His word. Even though I think there was a time when I felt like I'm losing the passion, and I asked for it again and received it. For that, I really thank God. Anyway, I think I really miss LEADS already, and the wonderful people in it. Did the mission trip article. Zephan must have thought that I've lost my marbles. But it's okay. (= Happens only when I'm quite tired. Met up with Wan Hui to talk about some stuff. I feel so much better and clearer after talking! Thanks Wan Hui for your advice and opinions everytime I turn to you for help. (=

Meanwhile I needa catch up on my reading which I am way off and slack a while more before I go find a job. (= And I wanna get my steven curtis chapman cd........ Woohoo!


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