Saturday, March 17, 2007

Im pretty irritated. Nevermind, I think it's all the crap I get from Amaths. Imagine taking 1/2 hour doing a single stupid part one question. And realising it was just a stupid careless mistake. And taking one thousand years to do the LAST question. And I still cant solve it. And there's some crap thing w msn that I cant go online and ask ppl. Chicken wing.................................... (im not hungry, just using some word to express my wrath.)
I forgot to mention some stuff.
(1) Motion's out. Happy stressing.
(2) I hope to request for anti-holiday. What is all this preaching about "students, please revise your work. catch up w term one stuff okay? o level this year. <--(reiterated many times)" when they give homework until you can vomit blood. Okay, it's to do w my time management.......... Rah.
But..... I shall not be anxious. I will take everything step by step. I shall wake up early to repay for wasting my time on tv.

Why cant I think that way? And why do I always complicate simple things. I need a good night sleep. Not like yesterday.. dreaming about snails and people w super power.

Praise Him- for blessings I have never imagined before.


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