I think I can hear it out there.......
Holidays are here! (somewhat) If only it snows here in Singapore.. But well, thank God for good, regular weathers. (:
Chinese A levels is finally over. I'm not especially crazy about it, but I had a good time discussing the answers with my parents a while ago. When my mum got the answer, she went 'yay' with a wide grin. So maybe the hyper part of me is hereditary. Anyway, I'm still glad it's over and I think I did pretty okay besides some small silly mistakes. And when I was doing paper 2 part 2, I found myself staring and stoning at the questions. Basically, my mind likes to wander off quite oftenly. For example, when I'm listening to music, I'm not even listening to it cause I'm just thinking of things. Random ones. Not very healthy, I would say. Lacking in concentration. I can't wait for PW to be over, seriously.
I spent a day in church office as receptionist. Haha! Not knowing anything, I just braved it but it was quite okay. Just that the phones there are just not really working fine. Or is it me? I don't know. And when I saw the list of people to call for the T3 article, I felt unwell. Haha. Kidding. You know, I'm pretty scared of phone calls actually. I dont know if it's common around us, but when some weird people calls/when I have to call some weird people, I will usually take a breath subconsciously before taking the call. But it became pretty natural for me in that one day. (:
Pretty suggestive, I seem to think people are weird, not me. Haha. Actually I can be pretty weird to myself sometimes. )=
But I was quite bored after that cause I finished calling quite quickly, wrote two short articles because I really didn't know what I can do, and I took two phone calls. I was waiting for someone to call so that I won't be so bored. Half the time, I was probably talking to the phone, spurring it to ring. Haha. I'm really kidding.
Went to manhattan fish market with wanhui and joyce. (: The food there is pretty good (only when it's still piping hot though) and the mudpie is really really good. Compared to n.y.d.c now. )= The first time I ate there was sec1 when joyce and i were in kara's cell. The good old days. And the good new days! =D Wanhui was sharing about how BFC was like then and now. And I realised that alot of times we don't like changes, but we can make the changes turn out good. Don't you think so? It's like when we leave a place reluctantly, but alot of times we can end up in places we begin to like too.
I'm not encouraging us to comparing places and make our old friends feel like they are forgotten. I guess we just need to strike a balance (which may not be perfect all the time) in our interaction with so many people that we meet. (: