Saturday, January 05, 2008

through the phase

Hello! Haven't been blogging for these few days cause' I'm just so so worn out by orientation. Basically, orientation was less much of a challenge in terms of making new friends. Probably because I'm just used to being compelled by myself to talk and stuff. But there was just this depression when you think about how your old friends will never be in same school as you. People like my dear Priscilla, Janice, Dudley, JM, Alyssa and the list goes on. And esp when one of the guys in my group reminded me so much of Bryan! Yes, seriously. The way he talks and stuff. I don't mean in spiritual context.
To Bryan: If you didn't know, you have been a great motivation in my spiritual walk with God. I still remember you told me that I could rant to you anytime I wanted. (I must remind you here since you have bad memory) And I'm just so encouraged by you to really spend my time on more meaningful things!
To JM, Chui, Charis, Dud, Lewis: Even though we won't be in the same school, I'm just so so glad to know that we are brothers and sisters in Christ and that we can still offer encouragement to one another. =D

Throughout this whole camp, we had so much of cheering, water games, mass dancing, etc. I really must say OG3 is really great. We have this guy, Han, in our group who really makes the group together. Our signature line is, "Aye....... don't say that." There were dirty jokes, this is when my struggle comes in. Like some of you would know I took quite a while not to say this kind of jokes and do obscene stuff cause' it's not good. So it's either (1) I laugh with the group to be part of them or (2) I don't laugh and be happy of my conduct. I'm choosing (2), even though it was quite difficult at first cause' his jokes are really funny and I didn't want to be left out of the group. But I know that I'm not here to please people, but God. Despite all these, I think my OG is really fun lar. As in we stay out for dinner and supper etc. My girl-friends are quite nice to talk to. I'm really glad to have known Sherlyn, a really friendly sis-in-Christ. Yes, I thought of Cherlyn when she told me her name. And there was Leena who lied that she was a Pakistani whom I took her word for real. But of course, I still miss my dear Juvenal.
To Juv: Dude, I have the same thinking! Been trying to be on a look-out for you because you're the only one in there who makes me feel really comfortable. I'm just so glad that we can meet up in the morning and not be some lone-ranger. Haha. Thanks for always being a great friend and wooh! Oshokolotoishite!
Oh yes, I really love my tribe too. It's called Siersha and I think the cheers are really good. Sha-sha-sha-booya! =D I especially like those hand actions we do. Actually all tribes are like so cool! We're like so enthu and crazy and I think some of them really sounds like tribal people now. The purple tribe, Nahane, cheers are really great. Especially their rebuttal cheer, I laughed when they say, "Shabooya, sha what?" And all in all, everyone won!

OG3 =D




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