Back from youth camp! I think it was good, because many times camps are a lot about us and asking God to do this and that. But this camp has gotten us to take a look and more concern for the people around us like our community. And I become more conscious about GIVING and less of receiving.
It was good being in the same group as my cell, and I continue to learn more about them. Like how the guys kept us waiting for devotion. Haha. Kidding! But seriously, each and every single of one you made the camp fun to be at. And I think our cheer is funny. (: I thank God for one of my friend too. At one point of time, she actually put her hands on my shoulders to comfort me. When I believe she needed that more than me.
People were already looking forward to give God what they can at the start of the camp, to serve the community etc. These are youths and teens I'm talking about, and there couldn't have been any other thing except the love of God which motivates us to commit. And He never shortchanged us. He blessed all the groups when we went out to do something for the community around.
For example, our group proposed the idea to give away free coffee and tea at our area. When we reached there, everything didn't seem right. It was raining and everyone at coffeeshop had already ordered drinks. The coffeeshop uncle looked really busy too. But things worked out eventually. The people were friendly and some of us went door-to-door at the nearby block to ask them if they wanted to have free drinks. They were surprised and appreciative of our gesture, even though some rejected cause' they were paiseh. Haha. It was quite a bold initiative, I would say. But it was good! (:
All in all, I see some areas about my life which need some notice. Before I get panicky or pack for a guilt trip, I just really want to commit these things to God because He will help me.