Wednesday, September 16, 2009

And I will go to the altar of God,
My joy and my delight
I will praise You with all of my heart.

Song: Altar of God

Yay. Basically, Rach and I have been going crazy over the two 'Glory Revealed' CDs which are really worth buying and the songs are stuck in our heads. I shared with my mum the other day that I can't stop thinking and sometimes it even feels like I'm not really resting when I sleep. She told me to sing some songs and then sleep. That was a good idea which I didn't think about. But typically as human, I did for the first night and not the subsequent. These CDs came timely. Haha. And it's so cool the way they get the lyrics from Bible verses that you probably wouldn't believe could be made into a song. (:
I'm really grateful for the sermon last Sat when Pastor Dan shared about uncertainties in life. After the sermon that day and even the very fact that I read some correlated stuff during QT that morning, I begin to pray daily that God will take away the worries that have been weighing on my heart and I feel so much better! I think prayer is really cool. (: It's more effective than asking a few elephants to come and take away your load. Haha.
One more paper. Honestly, I feel like I'm having a holiday or something because the papers are spaced out quite widely. (good thing)


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