Saturday, September 30, 2006

Youth Ablaze

I've realised that I have been looking forward to church recently. However, learnt some other things too, which is good that I realised early.
- Commitment to God: I have been attending church regularly now. Which is good. However, I feel that I should commit more time to God. Which is regular QT. prayer and memorising Bible verses.
- Some problems with my Christian life: I should reflect more on what I am portraying my life as a Christian to people.
- Dealing things: I ought to deal with things by the fire-with-water method instead of fire-with-fire method.
Anyway, today's message was about 'Boldness, Meekness and Weakness'. At first I had felt it had not much stuffs to do with me but it did. I realised I was, like the speaker described, a person who is bold on the outside but weak inside. But God will strengthen me. (: Yeah. And everyone in the cell has a small little book for writing the memory verses and messages from others so I was given mine today. Heard that it was prepared by Joe so I'd like to thank him for spending time making it. (:
And lastly, I want to congratulate myself for finishing one chapter of social studies! Haha.


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