Tuesday, February 05, 2008

won't you rise up again?

May this be an encouragement to you.

Despair. Another source of cowardice is despair. Sometimes we look at where we are and where we want to be, and the gulf seems so great that we think, A million years will pass before I'll get anywhere near where I need to be; if I'm that far away, why try?
But glory shines in the Christian who refuses to give up. She's beaten , she falls, she stumbles, she cracks, she breaks, she bends, but through it all, she keeps getting up. The courage not to quit is often the thread by which our Christian growth continues.

I just dig out the discipleship journal that Joe lent us long ago and was prepared to read it again for fun. I can't explain the comfort that I received just from the little excerpt above. Everyday seems like a struggle to get to school. Actually things would usually turn out well. But I don't understand why I still don't feel like going everyday. I think I can't find anything worth going for. In the past it would be, "Yay, I get to see my friends in school and chase them around." I loved going to school back then.
I'm glad I'm in SA. It teaches me alot to do things for Christ. Going to school for Christ. I felt bad because I gave in to the temptation today, I didn't go. Yes falling is a very sad thing, but it's even more sad if you just let this fall make you continue lying down there and feeling defeated.

Who am I?
That the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love
And watch me rise again.

Amazingly, I am preparing for tomorrow, preparing not to be plagued by the defeated mindset. Couldn't have done it without Jesus. He's my hope.


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