I must remember that my time is in God's hand. He will make everything go right. Thank You Lord! (:
SatWatched VI and Crystal won! (: And had choir. We did smth new today. Tenors behind sop and basses behind altos. It's great to hear the bass from the front. Their voices BOOM into your ears. Haha. Then we switched and stuff. Looking forward to camp. It's gonna be some sort of intensive voice training. Yay.
Debate was great. My rebuttals are getting better and I no longer feel like Im lousy or what cause' all of us are moving at same speed and stuff. Stef has been really nice to me since the start of this whole thing. Fun stuffs happened. Haha. I really love debate mates. We crack each other up. =D
Church was really different. I felt so much of God's presence during worship. And cell atmosphere was abit tensed. At first we had much fun playing icebreakers but when we started discussing, could feel that everyone feels disappointed w themselves or smth. But still, to cell: Continue to be zestful for the Lord! We're gonna achieve what we aimed for! And i seriously cant wait for mission trip. (: By then O levels would have been over. =DDDDDDD
Dined w babes after that at pastamania. It's great there. I didnt know they dont charge for service. Haha. I love the dim atmosphere and juv caught some great shots. Will post soon. (: Neoprints after that. Pretty gay lar, since I hadnt take neoprints for tons of years. But still, anything w em is fun. To cher, sorry if your bday present is going to be belated. I will try to rush though.
TodayWent to visit Smarties in TTSH w Joyce and Kaiwei. That place really brought alot of sad memories. Anw I really hesitated whether to visit or not but God spoke to me to, you know, serve others, think for others before yourself. And yeah, so I went w a cheerful heart. (: Smarties told us that he fell on the drain cover. Say ouch. So he's gonna have op tml and will miss some of the common test, since he hurt his right hand. Haha. I told him that I could train his left hand. Haha. Anw, just hope that the op will be smooth and he'd get well really really soon! (:
And because of all these, I have not revised for my Geog and tons of stuff are not done yet! Roar. There's still field trips, sectionals, and not to mention visiting. This seems to be the season to really help, encourage, surprise and serve others. Nevertheless, things will be busy but I will try to do my best in everything for God and also keep a positive and cheerful attitude. (: